Aczel, Amir D

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A strange wilderness

the lives of the great mathematicians
"Bestselling popular science author Amir Aczel selects the most fascinating individuals and stories in the history of mathematics, presenting a colorful narrative that explores the quirky personalities behind some of the most profound, enduring theorems. Through such mathematical geniuses as Archimedes, Leonardo of Pisa (a.k.a. Fibonacci), Tartaglia ("the stutterer"), Descartes, Gottfried Liebniz, Carl Gauss, Joseph Fourier (Napoleon's mathematician), Evariste Galois, Georg Cantor, Ramanujan, and "Nicholas Bourbaki, " we gather little known details about the alliances and rivalries that profoundly impacted the development of what the scheming doctor-turned-mathematician Geronimo Cardano called "The Great Art." This story of mathematics is not your dry "college textbook" account; tales of duels, battlefield heroism, flamboyant arrogance, pranks, secret societies, imprisonment, feuds, theft, and even some fatal errors of judgment fill these pages (clearly, genius doesn't guarantee street smarts). Ultimately, readers will come away from this book entertained, with a newfound appreciation of the tenacity, complexity, eccentricity, and brilliance of the mathematical genius"--.

Present at the creation

the story of CERN and the Large Hadron Collider
Examines the history of the CERN experiments and the creation of the Large Hadron Collider and discusses the meaning and theory behind them as well as their significance to human knowledge.


L?on Foucault and the triumph of science
Chronicles the life of nineteenth-century physicist L?on Foucault, the first person to offer definitive proof that the earth revolves on its own axis.

Fermat's last theorem

unlocking the secret of an ancient mathematical problem
Describes the historical developments of Fermat's last theorem from the ancient Egyptians in 3000 BC to 1995 and the proving of the theorem by mathematician Andrew Wiles.

The riddle of the compass

the invention that changed the world
A narrative chronicle of the invention of the compass that discusses its development in both China and Europe.


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