Pendziwol, Jean

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Skating Wild on an Inland Sea

Two children wake up to hear the lake singing, then the wind begins wailing -- or is it a wolf? They bundle up and venture out into the cold, carrying their skates. On the snow-covered shore, they spot tracks made by fox, deer, hare, mink, otter -- and the wolf! In the bay, the ice is thick and smooth. They lace up their skates, step onto the ice, stroking and gliding, and the great lake sings again. In her signature poetic style, Jean E. Pendziwol describes the exhilarating experience of skating on the wild ice of Lake Superior, including the haunting singing that occurs as the ice expands and contracts. Accompanied by Todd Stewart's breathtaking illustrations, this book will make us all long to skate wild!.
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No dragons for tea

fire safety for kids (and dragons)
A little girl learns an important lesson about fire safety when her house catches fire after a dragon sneezes.

Once upon a dragon

stranger safety for kids (and dragons)
Presents an introduction to stranger safety, as a young girl and her dragon friend are transported into the stories of a familiar fairy tale book and learn to be careful around strangers.

Me and you and the red canoe

Two siblings set out together in a red canoe to spend the morning fishing on the lake. Together they take in the beauty of nature and catch a fish before returning to their camp.

Once upon a northern night

The beauty and wonder of a northern winter night unfold.

No Dragons For Tea: Fire Safety for Kids (and dragons)

Fire safety story with checklist for discussion and how to put it into action.

Once upon a dragon

stranger safety for kids (and dragons)
Presents an introduction to stranger safety, as a young girl and her dragon friend are transported into the stories of a familiar fairy tale book and learn to be careful around strangers.

A treasure at sea for dragon and me

water safety for kids (and dragons)
Presents information on water safety for children, and uses a story about a young girl and her friend the dragon as they take a trip to the beach for a picnic.

The red sash

A young Metis boy who lives with his family near the trading post of Fort William earns the status of a true voyageur when he helps a representative of the North West Company whose canoe has been damaged in a storm reach the annual rendezvous celebration.


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