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The missing passenger

"When a seemingly unoccupied plane crash lands in the middle of Kelton, Jarli's attempts to lay low and out of Viper's criminal crosshairs crash lands along with it. The cause of the accident is a mystery until his Truth App uncovers a dangerous secret at the crash site--a secret Viper will do anything to keep buried"--Provided by publisher.

Tell the truth?

Honesty is a value that can be difficult to explain, especially to children wondering why they need to tell the truth. This volume is a helpful resource for young readers who need gentle guidance toward a deeper understanding of why the truth is so important. The age-appropriate language and empowering tone inform and inspire readers without talking down to them. Readers are presented with facts and examples to help them see why telling the truth is a good choice, and colorful illustrations make this a fun reading experience for early learners.

Finn's little fibs

After Finn tells his grandmother a fib, his lies continue to build up which makes Finn feel horrible until he builds up the courage to come clean.

The authenticity project

"A story about a solitary green notebook that brings together six strangers and leads to unexpected friendship, and even love. . . 'Everybody lies about their lives. What would happen if you shared the truth?' This is the question that Julian Jessop, an eccentric, seventy-nine-year-old artist, poses within a pale green exercise book that he labels The Authenticity Project, before leaving it behind in Monica's Caf?. When Monica discovers Julian's abandoned notebook, not only does she add her own story to the book, she is determined to find a way to help Julian feel less lonely. And so it goes with the others who find the green notebook that will soon contain their deepest selves"--Provided by publisher.

The lost mitten

When Rabbit and Mouse finally find the owner of a lost red mitten, Rabbit has a hard time letting it go since red is his favorite color.

I am Kavi

"Against the backdrop of the Sri Lankan Civil War, one Sinhalese girl must adapt to a new school, a new city, and new friends, while always staying true to herself"--Provided by publisher.

The one and only Sparkella and the big lie

When she decides to "borrow" a shiny racecar from her best friend without asking, Sparkella learns the importance of honesty and taking responsibility when she makes a mistake.

Secrets and spies

Eleven-year-old June must juggle friendship, first love, and the fallout from a newly discovered family secret involving the entire town--all while under a truth-telling spell.

The Truth app

"High schooler Jarli Durras becomes an overnight celebrity after creating an app that can tell when a person is lying, but his fame soon turns dangerous when a secret network of criminals adds Jarli to its hit list"--Provided by publisher.

The Simpsons predict the future

"Are predictions from The Simpsons coincidences or prophecies? Dive into the history behind the conspiracy. Analyze the evidence for and against it. Find out the truth"--Provided by publisher.


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