hudson bay

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hudson bay

The gift of the Little People

"At the time spring thaw, the Rocky Cree fill their canoes with furs, eager to trade with the new visitors in mistiwastiahko (Hudson's Bay). But not all of the new visitors are welcome. When the canoes return home to the shores of the missinipi river, the Rocky Cree begin to collapse one by one, drenched in sweat and slowly slipping into delirium. K?h?siw struggles to help the sick as more and more people pass into the spirit world. Exhausted physically, emotionally, and spiritually, he seeks guidance through prayer. Hope finally comes with a visitor in the night: one of the Little People, small beings just like us. If K?h?siw can journey to their home, he will be given the medicine his people need. All he has to do is paddle through a cliff of solid bedrock to get there. To save his people from certain death, K?h?siw must overcome doubt to follow the traditional teachings of the Asinikaw ?thiniwak and trust in the gift of the Little People"--Back cover.

Ice walker

a polar bear's journey through the fragile Arctic
"[Looks at polar bear] Nanu's world as she treks uncertainly around the heart of Hudson Bay, searching for nourishment for the children that grow inside her. She stops at nothing to protect her cubs from the dangers she can see--other bears, wolves, whales, human beings--and those she cannot"--Amazon.

Radisson & des Groseilliers

fur traders of the north
Profiles the early explorations of Pierre-Esprit Radisson and Medard Chouart des Groseilliers, French explorers and fur traders during the seventeenth century, describing their discoveries that led to the creation of the Hudson's Bay Company.
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