Vintage departures

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Disappearing destinations

37 places in peril and what can be done to help save them
Examines nearly forty remarkable places around the world, such as Machu Picchu and Glacier National Park, describing how they are being altered by climate change, overuse, and other factors and discussing how they can be saved.

A year in Provence

Presents volume one of the author's first-hand account of the joys and oddities of life in Provence, France, where he and his wife are fulfilling their dream of living in a restored farmhouse in the countryside.

Red-tails in love

Pale Male's story, a true wildlife drama in Central Park
Follows the lives of a family of red-tailed hawks in New York's Central Park, beginning with the courtship of a young male and his future mate, the building of their nest on a Fifth Avenue apartment building, to raising their offspring.

Iron & silk

An American describes his experiences after his arrival in Hunan Province in 1982 to teach English, including his wushu training and life in post-Mao China.

Running the Amazon

The author provides an account of his experiences as a member of the first expedition to navigate the entire 4,200 mile length of the Amazon River.

Native stranger

a Black American's jouney into the heart of Africa
Chronicles an African-American's journey through Africa from the Sahara to Rwanda.

Near death in the mountains

true stories of disaster and survival
A collection of twelve short stories depicting true accounts of mountain climbers' near death experiences, and features selections entitled "No Picnic on Mount Kenya, " "The White Spider: The Classic Account of the Ascent of the Eiger, " "The Mountain of My Fear, " and others.

Nine lives

in search of the sacred in modern India
Explores how traditional religious life in India has undergone change amid economic development around the turn of the twenty-first century, examining the lives of various religious adherents, including a sacred dancer, a Sufi mystic, and a Tantric practitioner.


a journey through the secret world of America's illegal aliens
Provides an account of the underground railway of Mexican illegals, brutal police, and sinister smugglers.


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