
Topical Term

Measure for measure

side-by-side plain English
Presents the complete text of William Shakespeare's "Measure for measure," with a line-by-line translation of the play in simple language, a list of characters, and a commentary.

Wait for me

rediscovering the joy of purity in romance
"Be inspired by Rebecca's passion and discover practical ways to wait in a sex-consumed society. Trust God's wonderful promises and plans for you. Believe again in joy of pure roman e as God intended." Provided by publisher.

Romance without regret

Helps teens understand why chastity is beneficial and gives them tools to live out this conviction.

If you really loved me

100 questions on dating, relationships, and sexual purity
Via a question and answer format, provides Catholic teens and their parents with solutions to problems in the sexual realm. These days, virgins may be embarrassed by their lack of "experience" while non-virgins may feel that it's too late for them. Men and women of all ages feel compelled to "take their relationships to the next level" -- meaning they think it's time to have sex, not to try on wedding rings. Chastity author and speaker Jason Evert addresses these issues, and dozens more, in If You Really Loved Me: 100 Questions on Dating, Relationships, and Sexual Purity. The questions in this landmark work are the most common ones Evert is asked when speaking about the virtue of chastity in hundreds of Catholic, Evangelical Christian, and public schools. His humorous, friendly, and blunt approach opens hearts and minds to a topic often either rejected out of hand or misunderstood. Teens will find this book a useful guide to starting a relationship, deciding one's vocation, one day finding a potential spouse, and maintaining purity -- without forsaking love. This book will give parents and educators new insights to help teens know the difference between love and lust. They may even look at their own lives differently, because as Evert explains, chastity is not only for singles; married couples must practice this virtue as well. If You Really Loved Me gives readers straight answers to tough questions. Addressing the relationship issues that today's young people face, Evert explains the often-misconstrued virtue of chastity -- not as a rejection of human sexuality, but as an affirmation of authentic love.

Understanding Human Sexuality

a Catholic view for today's youth - Parent guide
Course concentrates on life after puberty.

Real sex

the naked truth about chastity
A clear exposition of Christian teaching on sexuality.

Measure for measure

An annotated edition of Shakespeare's tragicomedy in which an unjust Viennese deputy offers to lift a death sentence from a young woman's brother in return for sexual favors from her; also includes essays on Shakespeare's theatrical world and his texts, and a scholarly introduction.

Measure for measure

Shakespeare's dark comedy about human sexuality, in which a woman is forced to choose between her brother's life and her chastity; includes an overview of Shakespeare's life and times, as well as source information, dramatic criticism, a stage and screen history, and recommended readings on the play.

Measure for measure

Presents the original text of the play in which Duke Vincentio deputizes Angelo to enforce the city's long-ignored laws a takes on a disguise to observe the proceedings. Includes notes, plot summary, and illustrations.


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