Headline court cases

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The Salem witchcraft trials

a headline court case
Examines the events surrounding the Salem Witchcraft Trials and the unjust treatment of those who were falsely accused.

The Lindbergh baby kidnapping trial

a headline court case
Presents information about the kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh's baby in 1932, the investigation of the crime, and the subsequent trial of Bruno Hauptmann; includes commentary on the decision.

The John Brown slavery revolt trial

a headline court case
Focuses on the trial of the abolitionist who was hanged for treason and murder following his attempt to capture a military arsenal and arm the slaves for revolt.

The Andersonville Prison Civil War crimes trial

a headline court case
Examines the war crimes trial, in which Henry Wirz, the Confederate officer in charge of Andersonville Prison camp was accused of allowing the prisoners to be deliberately abused and neglected.

The trial of the police officers in the shooting death of Amadou Diallo

a headline court case
Discusses the shooting death of Guinea immigrant Amadou Diallo by four police officers in 1999 who claim they thought Diallo was reaching for a gun, describes the resulting investigation and trial of the officers, and considers the racial issues raised by the tragedy.

The "Mississippi Burning" civil rights murder conspiracy trial

a headline court case
Examines the trials of the men accused of murdering three civil rights workers in Mississippi in 1964, including the Supreme Court decision to try the defendants in a federal rather than a state court and the final verdicts which marked the first time, in Mississippi, that a jury convicted white men for killing African Americans or civil rights workers.

The Rosenberg Cold War spy trial

a headline court case
Details the lives of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, with a focus on their 1950's trial for allegedly spying during the Cold War.


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