nature and nurture

Topical Term
nature and nurture

The orphans of Davenport

eugenics, the Great Depression, and the war over children's intelligence
"The fascinating--and eerily timely--tale of the forgotten Depression-era psychologists who launched the modern science of childhood development"--Amazon.

Ghost in your genes

Explains the scientific discovery that there is a second chemical code on top of regular DNA that has a large influence on health, and discusses how environment and lifestyle directly affect how genes are expressed.

Accidental brothers

the story of twins exchanged at birth and the power of nature and nurture
An exploration of nature versus nurture follows the unique case of two sets of identical twins, who, born in Colombia, were separated at birth and improbably reunited as adults.
Cover image of Accidental brothers

Entwined lives

twins and what they tell us about human behavior
Explains how researchers are learning more about the genetic and environmental factors that affect human behavior by studying the personalities of identical and fraternal twins reared together and apart.

Not in our genes

biology, ideology, and human nature

Entwined lives

twins and what they tell us about human behavior
Explores the ways in which twins enhance our knowledge of human behavior and physical development, while shedding new light on the nature/nurture debate.

The accidental bond

the power of sibling relationships

The nurture assumption

why children turn out the way they do
Shows that peer groups matter more than parents in determining the kinds of people children will turn out to be.

Outsmarting IQ

the emerging science of learnable intelligence
The author examines evidence that people can increase their reflective intelligence--the ability to reflect upon one's thinking patterns and change them--and discusses implications for business, education, and society.

As nature made him

the boy who was raised as a girl
Tells the story of David Reimer, a child born as a boy, but who, because of an accident during circumcision, was surgically altered to live as a girl; discusses his decision as a teenager to reclaim his life as a male; and considers the thinking of the medical community concerning sex reassignment.


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