Latham, Mark

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The red tower

Dr. Watson has been invited to Crain Manor, where his old friend James Crain is to hold a spiritualist gathering. During a s?ance a ghostly figure is seen, supposedly the spirit of Sybille, the first Lady Crain, who murdered her husband in the tower room, and whose appearance is said to be a sign of disaster. In an attempt to debunk the seance, James's sister Esther declares that she will sleep in the tower room--but at midnight there is a bloodcurdling scream and Esther is found dead, a look of horror on her face, and the room locked from the inside. Watson sends for Sherlock Holmes to investigate the tragic death. But it will be anything but straightforward, as there are those who do not want him to succeed.
Cover image of The red tower

The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow

What if there was more to the ghostly fable than meets the eye? What if Irving's account was based on fact? In this book, you will find long-forgotten lore about the headless spirits that have plagued mankind for centuries, and perhaps even now seek ingress into our world.
Cover image of The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow

Hunting the Headless Horseman

Looks at tales of headless ghosts throughout history.
Cover image of Hunting the Headless Horseman
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