After receiving permision to leave the modern city where she is closely monitored, Sutty travels up the river into the countryside where she experiences a more peaceful life.
A collection of fifteen essays that debate the influence that religion plays in politics addressing such issues as the separation between church and state, the religious right, and political opposition to stem-cell research.
After receiving permision to leave the modern city where she is closely monitored, Sutty travels up the river into the countryside where she experiences a more peaceful life.
Authors present differing opinions on whether religion can be separated from politics, whether Christian Fundamentalists threaten American freedom, and whether Christian Fundamentalists are influencing America's anti-Muslim foreign policy.
the peril and politics of radical religion, oil, and borrowed money in the 21st century
Phillips, Kevin P
Argues that an inept and weakly led coalition that is dominated by religious zealotry is threatening the future of America and losing the respect of other countries.
Presents twenty-four periodical articles on religion's relationship to culture, political violence, ecology, and gender, as well as new religions and religious conversion.
Presents articles that provide differing views on why the Middle East is a conflict area, and discussing whether Palestinians are treated justly, what role the U.S. should play in the Middle East, and how religion affects the issues.
Examines the growing nonreligious minority of Americans, argues that America was never in fact a Christian nation, and shows how the Religious Right successfully took control of the social and political narrative.