chihuahuan desert

Geographic Name
chihuahuan desert

When light left us

Not long after Hank, Ana, and Milo Vasquez's father leaves, an alien named Luz arrives and uses them to satisfy his curiosity, then leaves them forever changed.

When light left us

Not long after Hank, Ana, and Milo Vasquez's father leaves, an alien named Luz arrives and uses them to satisfy his curiosity, then leaves them forever changed.

Dust storm!

Separated from their group during a sixth-graders geocaching trip, Jen Chiu and her mortal enemy, Martin Diaz, are caught in a dust storm in the desert near Las Cruces, New Mexico. Includes survival tips.
Cover image of Dust storm!

When light left us

Not long after Hank, Ana, and Milo Vasquez's father leaves, an alien named Luz arrives and uses them to satisfy his curiosity, then leaves them forever changed.
Cover image of When light left us
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