Lauber, Patricia

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Cowboys and cattle ranching: yesterday and today

A history of the American cowboy and how he changed with the coming of barbed wire, railroads, and homesteaders. Also describes modern cattle ranching.

Purrfectly purrfect

life at the Acatemy
Describes life at a school for cats, where the students learn to be "purrfect.".

Summer of fire

Yellowstone 1988
Describes the season of fire that struck Yellowstone in 1988, and examines the complex ecology that returns plant and animal life to a seemingly barren, ash-covered expanse.

Home at last!

a young cat's tale
Two young cats who set off to face great danger, overcome hardship, get jobs, and climb the ladder of success find a home instead.

Seeing Earth from space

Text and photographs taken from space depict the nature, evolution, and future of Earth.

Life on a giant cactus

Describes the life cycle of the giant cactus, the saguaro, which grows only in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona and Mexico.

Journey to the planets

Explores the planets of our solar system, highlighting the prominent features of each. Includes new photographs and information gathered by the Voyager and Magellan explorations.

What you never knew about beds, bedrooms, & pajamas

Presents facts on where people have slept and what they have slept on and in throughout history, covering such settings as the Stone Age, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and Rome, and medieval Europe.

What you never knew about fingers, forks, & chopsticks

Describes changes in eating customs throughout the centuries and the origins of table manners.

Tapping Earth's heat

Discusses the uses of heat and energy from volcanoes, geysers, fumaroles, and hot springs.


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