

White light, black rain

the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
In August 1945, the world was transformed in the blink of an eye when American forces dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and then Nagasaki. The destruction was unprecedented and the bombings precipitated the end of World War II. Contains archival footage and stunning photography. Interviews are from both Japanese survivors and the Americans who believed that their involvement would help end a brutal conflict.

Mickey special

Follows the real-life adventures of custom chopper kings Paul Teutul and his son Paul Jr., as they battle impossible deadlines - and each other - to design, fabricate and deliver the most awesome array of motobikes the world has ever seen.

You are there

America grows up
The overthrow of the Tweed Ring: November 7th, 1871. New York citizens are fed up with the corruption of William Tweed who has gained political control through bribery and intimidation. New York Times editor Louis J. Jennings, Sheriff James O'Brien and cartoonist Thomas Nast begin a movement to rid the city of Tweed which proves to be successful on election day.

You are there

Discovery and mutiny
Mr. Christian seizes the bounty: April 28th, 1789. Captain William Bligh is in command of the H.M.S. Bounty sailing from England to the West Indies to deliver breadfruit trees. Fletcher Christian leads a mutiny as he and his fellow shipmates refuse to tolerate their Captain's brutality any longer. Christian forces Bligh and selected shipmates off the ship to suffer whatever fate may come their way.

Renewable energy

Program includes information on: Energy, Wind turbines, "Green" technology, Electricity, Fossil fuels, Global warming, Carbon dioxide, Environment, Methane, Greenhouse gases, Air conditioning, Solar power, Bio-fuels, Recycling, Automobiles, Emissions, Water, Love Canal, Toxic waste.

China inside out

After 300 years of relative isolation, China is reaching out to the rest of the world looking for resources, food, friends, and safe places to invest its new fortune. Follow this still-unexplored story of the stunning global transformation taking place.

In search of the real Frankenstein

Examines how the experiments of four scientists--Luigi Galvani, Giovanni Aldini, Andrew Ure, and Konrad Dippel--inspired Mary Shelly's Frankenstein.

Secret of the Wild Child

This episode profiles "Genie," a girl whose parents kept her imprisoned in near total isolation from infancy. When social workers discovered her as a teenager, she had not learned to walk or talk. This program includes never-before-seen footage of her rehabilitation and probes how and when we learn the skills that make us "human.".
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