While staying with her grandfather in his house in the woods, Sophie learns about the different kinds of trees and enjoys the beauties of the natural world.
Photographs, text, and illustrations help introduce children to the different animals that live in the woods and how they have been affected by humans damaging the environment.
Introduces some notable forests and woodlands around the world, including the taiga in Russia, the eucalyptus woodlands in Australia, and the mangrove forests of Central and South America.
Ginger and her twin brothers Nat and Pat get lost in a strange part of the woods and find themselves playing a life-or-death game of tag with a group of blue, furry beasts.
Takes readers on a walk through a forest of trees that lose their leaves in the fall, showing examples of how the animals and plants depend on each other and their environment to survive.
Asks readers to determine the plotline in a story with more than twenty possible endings in which a young girl and her friends get lost in the forest while camping.