greenhouse effect

Topical Term
greenhouse effect

Changing ecosystems

effects of global warming
Provides information about the effects of global warming on ecosystems and preservation issues. Discusses the impact on forests, grasslands, arctic and antarctic ecosystems, as well as desert, mountain, and marine ecosystems. Offers suggestions about what we need to do to help prevent this disaster. Provides photographs, maps, charts, a chronology, glossary, an index, and includes sources for additional information.

Climate fever

stopping global warming
Describes global warming and presents information on its causes and how it can be slowed down.

Climate crisis

the science of global warming
Outlines the manmade and natural factors that contribute to ongoing global warming and examines how this process, if left unchecked, will forever alter the climate of Earth. Details the steps being taken by individuals and governments to fight global warming and features full-color photographs, a timeline, a glossary, and further reading sources.

Global warming

Discusses global warming focusing on warmer temperatures, greenhouse gases, and the responsibilities of citizens whom scientists believe have caused this warming. Also discusses the immediate impact of global warming on earth as it affects plants and animals changing their habitats and life cycles as well as the rising of the seas by the melting of the Arctic region which may eventually displace people.

Global warming

Defines and discusses global warming, its possible effects on the world, and arguments about whether or not such a phenomenon is really occurring.


After finding that New Mungo is not the refuge they sought, Mara, leaving Fox behind, again sets out to sea with a ship full of refugees and, with the help of the "Gipsea" boy Tuck, tries to find land at the top of the world that will be safe from storms and rising water.

Is global warming a threat?

Contains thirteen essays in which the authors debate issues related to global warming, discussing whether or not it exists, the extent of the problem, and the threat it poses to animals, humans, the economy, and the environment.

Polar bears' search for ice

a cause and effect investigation
Describes polar bears and their disappearing habitat.

Why are the ice caps melting?

the dangers of global warming
Explains what the Greenhouse Effect is and what can be done to combat it.

Global warming

Discusses scientific evidence that indicates Earth's heat is increasing and the consequences of that warming trend to life, agriculture, and lands.


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