moral conditions

Geographic Name
moral conditions

The culture of narcissism

American life in an age of diminishing expectations
Examines American society in the 1970's, concludes that it is a narcissistic one, and provides suggestions for reforms.

Celia, a slave

a true story
Story of a young slave, Celia, who was sexually exploited by her master and ultimately executed for his murder.

Culture wars in America

a documentary and reference guide
A discussion of the U.S. culture war over fundamental social and religious values, with articles and documents that provide examples of the phenomenon within the study of politics in the United States.

American values

opposing viewpoints
Contains over twenty essays that provide opposing viewpoints on issues related to American values, debating what values America should uphold, whether the country is in a moral decline, the extent of media influence, and ways to improve American values.

America's victims

opposing viewpoints
Presents twenty-six articles debating the effects of victimhood on American society, discussing whether the nation is being tested by increasing claims of oppression, or if recent concessions are an appropriate outcome of women's and civil rights movements.

American values

opposing viewpoints
Collects essays on the values of contemporary Americans, along with thinking skill exercises by which the reader or a group of students may evaluate his/their own values.

Is American culture in decline?

Essays, primary resources, and historical analysis examine the state of American culture in the twenty-first century, exploring the factors that have had a negative influence on American society over the last ten years.

Stranger at the gate

to be gay and Christian in America
The evangelical minister and former ghostwriter for prominent leaders of the religious right describes his half-century-long struggle to accept himself as a gay Christian.

American values

opposing viewpoints
Various authors debate what Americans value in politics, society, business, and religion; what patriotism is; and how to improve our culture. Includes critical thinking skills activities.

The measure of our success

a letter to my children and yours
Author explains her "Twenty-Five Lessons for Life"--a message for all parents raising children.


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