electronic commerce

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electronic commerce

The story of Amazon.com

"A look at the origins, leaders, growth, and products of Amazon.com, the electronic commerce company that was founded in 1994 and today is the largest online retailer in the United States"--Provided by Publisher.

Jeff Bezos

king of Amazon
Examines the life of Jeff Bezos, creator of the Amazon.com online retailer of books, music, and other items.

Jeff Bezos

the founder of Amazon.com
A career biography of Jeff Bezos, founder of the Internet bookstore Amazon.com, discussing the phenomenal growth of the company since its inception and its expansion to include other products, and looking at the influence of Amazon on the way the world conducts business.

Digital smarts

how to stay within a budget when shopping, living, and doing business online
Presents advice for staying within a budget while shopping and doing business online.


my days and nights at an internet Goliath
The author shares the story of his experiences as senior vice president of communications for Value America, an Internet retailing service that was powered by a steady influx of investor money, but which never seemed to work and ended up crashing hard when Wall Street began to demand results.

World without secrets

business, crime, and privacy in the age of ubiquitous computing
Explores the realities and implications of a world in which anyone can find information on a person's health, life, business, and family through computer technology.


technology, people, process
Provides an overview of the Internet, explores the workings of a dotcom business--how it is funded, its staff, and what makes it different from other businesses, and profiles related jobs.

21 dog years

doing time @ Amazon.com
Mike Daisey chronicles the years he spent working for Amazon.com, offering a humorous account of how the company was run, who some of his more entertaining co-workers were, and why the company has become so successful when other dot-coms are dying off.


the company and its founder
Provides an overview of the history of Amazon.com and introduces its founder, Jeffrey Bezos.

Web entrepreneur

Discusses what education and skills are needed to run a business on the Internet and profiles several successful Web entrepreneurs.


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