Jones, Patrick

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Doing right

Puzzling over conflicting advice from family members, seventeen-year-old DeQuin Lewis continually faces trouble in his St. Paul, Minnesota, neighborhood, until a betrayal leads him to fresh start in an alternative school, one confrontation away from losing everything.

Returning to normal

When Xavier's father returns to Boston after serving ten years in federal prison, tensions quickly mount and Xavier's anger explodes on the baseball field, making it less likely that he will achieve his dream of playing in the major leagues than that he will follow his father's path.

Always faithful

After eighteen years in the Marines, Rosalita Alvirde's father is struggling with civilian life, but when he decides to rejoin the military, Rosie's life starts to come apart--and it soon shows up in her school work and behavior.

Doing right

Puzzling over conflicting advice from family members, seventeen-year-old DeQuin Lewis continually faces trouble inhis St. Paul, Minnesota, neighborhood, until a betrayal leads him to a fresh start in an alternative school, one confrontation away from losing everything.

Freedom flight

"Paige struggles with the reintroduction of her mother--and her pain pill habit--into the household after she's been deployed numerous times overseas. At first grateful to have her home, Paige grows resentful and begins to rebel"--Provided by publisher.

Combat zone

Justin, a bully at his Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, high school, is confused and angry when his father, a career officer he admires, admits he is gay.

Collateral damage

Ty is very proud of his father's accomplishments as a U.S. Army sargeant, but when a brain injury and partial paralysis send his father home from Afghanistan in a wheelchair, Ty finds it hard to balance schoolwork, basketball, a girlfriend, and friends with the time and effort required to care for him.

Out of the tunnel

When Brian attains his goal of being a starter on the Troy, Ohio, Central High Trojan football team, as was his father, he enjoys new privileges but is exposed to terrible behavior that adults tolerate because "boys will be boys.".

Teen incarceration

from cell bars to ankle bracelets
Looks at how juvenile justice works in the United States using interviews with several teenagers who have been incarcerated for major crimes, including armed robbery and murder.

Heart or mind

Do the crime, do the time behind bars. But once you've been in, it can be tough to stay out. Tension between African Americans and Somalis at Rodney's high school erupts into a food fight that turns into a riot. In the midst of the violence, Rodney helps a Somali classmate to safety. Soon Rodney and Jawahir fall for each other. Against the pleas of their families and friends, they can't help but follow their hearts. As groups on both sides of the fight harbor lingering resentment, Rodney and Jawahir are caught in the middle. Rodney is determined to avoid trouble, having served a previous stint at the County Home School. But in a world where hate seems to rule, can Rodney and Jawahir keep their flame of love alive? Or will their relationship ignite a fire that destroys all in its path?.


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