literature, modern

Topical Term
literature, modern

Twentieth-century literary criticism

Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide information about twenty-eight writers who lived between 1900 and 1960; each with an introduction to the author and his/her works, a list of principal writings, and a selection of critical excerpts.

Twentieth-century literary criticism

Profiles several twentieth-century authors from around the world who died between 1900 and 1960, providing biographical and bibliographical information, as well as selected excerpts of significant criticism on their works.

Twentieth-century literary criticism

Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide a selection of critical excerpts on the works of thirty-one authors who lived between 1900 and 1960, each including a biographical/critical introduction, a list of principal works, and a bibliographical citation.

Twentieth-century literary criticism

Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide a selection of critical excerpts on the works of thirty authors who lived between 1900 and 1960, each including a biographical/critical introduction, a list of principal works, and a bibliographical citation.

Twentieth-century literary criticism

Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide a selection of critical excerpts on the works of thirty authors who lived between 1900 and 1960, each including a biographical/critical introduction, a list of principal works, and a bibliographical citation.

Twentieth-century literary criticism

Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide information about thirty-six writers who lived between 1900 and 1960; each with an introduction to the author and his/her works, a list of principal writings, and a selection of critical excerpts.

Twentieth-century literary criticism

Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide a selection of critical excerpts on the works of thirty authors who lived between 1900 and 1960, each including a biographical/critical introduction, a list of principal works, and a bibliographical citation.

Major 20th-century writers

a selection of sketches from contemporary authors
Provides biographical and bibliographical information on more than one thousand of the most influential authors of the twentieth century, including novelists and short story writers, dramatists, poets, contemporary literary figures, genre writers, and twentieth-century thinkers; and includes nationality/ethnicity and genre/subject indexes.

Women in literature

reading through the lens of gender
Offers alternate approaches to reading ninety-six of the most frequently taught works of fiction, discussing how works where the central perspective is decidedly male can be read from a female perspective and suggests more feminist works which can be added to curriculum.


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