Evans, Colin

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Introduces the reader to the different types of evidence police use to identify, catch, and convict criminals, describing the history of evidence and real-life criminal cases, and providing expert and witness testimonies.

The Valentino affair

the Jazz Age murder scandal that shocked New York society and gripped the world
Chronicles how, before changing his name and becoming a Hollywood icon, Rudolph Valentino was involved in a couple's messy divorce which ultimately ended in death.


This book chronicles the history of Interpol from its inception in 1914 to the present.

The father of forensics

the groundbreaking cases of Sir Bernard Spilsbury, and the beginnings of modern CSI
Chronicles the life and work of Bernard Spilsbury, focusing on the early twentieth-century British pathologist whose use of cutting-edge science impacted how crimes were investigated and solved.

Crime lab

This volume examines the history of how crime labs were developed, and hightlights specific cases that illustrate how modern crime labs conduct their investigations.

The casebook of forensic detection

how science solved 100 of the world's most baffling crimes

A question of evidence

the casebook of great forensic controversies, from Napoleon to O.J.
Examines fifteen cases from throughout history which are still being fought over and demonstrates how various factors can influence the outcome of a case, despite concrete scientific evidence.

New York Police Department

Photographs and text introduce readers to the New York Police Department, tracing its history from its beginnings in 1844, describing how the officers serve and protect in the five boroughs of the city, and covering accomplishments, notable cases, and crime-fighting techniques and technologies.

The casebook of forensic detection

how science solved 100 of the world's most baffling crimes
Examines fifteen different fields of forensics, such as fingerprinting, ballistics, DNA typing, and psychological profiling, and shows how the sciences were applied to solve 100 groundbreaking cases.
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