Murphy, Jill

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Worlds apart

Though happy living with her mother in London, twelve-year-old Susan is consumed by curiosity about the identity of her father and goes on a quest to look for him.

The worst witch at sea

Young Mildred Hubble, an apprentice witch with a reputation for being the worst student at Miss Cackle's Academy for Witches, smuggles her cat Tabby on a class trip to Gloomy Cove with unexpected results.

All in one piece

Four young elephants help their parents get ready to go to a dinner dance.

Jeffrey Strangeways

Jeffrey Strangeways achieves his dream of being a knight when he joins Sir Walter of Winterwood in a wild adventure.

What next, baby bear!

While his mother readies his bath, Baby Bear makes a quick trip to the moon.

Five minutes' peace

Mrs. Large tries to take a peaceful, relaxing bath but her family has other ideas.

What next, Baby Bear

Baby Bear flies to the moon before bathtime.

Peace at last

Mr. Bear spends the night searching for enough peace and quiet to go to sleep.

A bad spell for the worst witch

Although her second year at Miss Cackle's Academy for Witches starts off better than her first, Mildred Hubble soon regains her reputation as the worst witch in the school when she and Ethel Hallow resume feuding.

A piece of cake

When Mama Elephant puts her family on a diet, their will power remains strong until Granny sends a cake.


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