stress in adolescence

Topical Term
stress in adolescence

Dealing with stress

a how-to guide
"Readers will learn about the causes of stress, how stress affects the body, and how to manage stress"--Provided by the publisher.

Talk with teens about self and stress

50 guided discussions for school and counseling groups

Stress relief

the ultimate teen guide
Describes the causes of stress, how to recognize and deal with them, and how to alleviate the stress itself by using such methods as breathing exercises, meditation, and creative visualization.

Under pressure

handling the stresses of keeping up
Offers preteen and teenage girls advice on how they can cope with the pressures they might face at home and at school.

Drugs and stress

Discusses the dangers of specific drugs, explains how taking drugs to relieve tension or stress is likely to reinforce the problems and create greater stress, and suggests healthy ways to handle stress.


Examines stress; discussing what it is, its effects on the body, illnesses that accompany it, its prevalence in teenagers, and how to cope with it and take control.

Hot stones & funny bones

teens helping teens cope with stress & anger
Provides an inside look at ways in which teens cope with their stress and anger, such as keeping a journal, meditating, or having a good laugh, and includes advice for parents and other teens.

The complete idiot's guide to dealing with stress for teens

Contains a concise guide for teens on handling pressure and stress in their lives including tips on more effective time management, balancing activities, and examining and working through situations instead of reacting to them.

Coping with stress

A discussion of why teenagers may face stress and what they can do about it, suggesting techniques for dealing with situations such as school difficulties, relationships, and natural disasters.


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