bachelor (television program)

bachelor (television program)

The deaf girl

a memoir of hearing loss, hope, and fighting against the odds
"Abigail Heringer made her television debut as an instant fan-favorite on ABC's The Bachelor. Stepping out of the luxurious limo, she confidently approached her bachelor and let him know that she'd be staring at his lips all night for two reasons: (1) she was born deaf and (2) he has some nice-looking lips. But Abigail's life didn't start out with this level of self-assured energy. In fact, it started with barely any at all. As a deaf child and natural introvert, Abigail was terrified of the spotlight-always afraid of how people would react to her disability and how her presence would inconvenience others. But with the support of her family (especially her deaf older sister), she learned that the world would walk all over her if she let. Only through becoming her fiercest advocate and loudest champion could she ever learn to find her own voice"--.

Bachelor nation

inside the world of America's guilty pleasure
For sixteen years and thirty-five seasons, the Bachelor franchise has been a mainstay in the lives of American television viewers. Since it premiered in 2002, the show's popularity and relevance have only grown. Bestselling writers and famous actors live-tweet about it. Die-hard fans -- dubbed 'Bachelor Nation' -- participate in fantasy leagues and viewing parties. And more than eight million viewers tuned in to see the conclusion of 2017's season. Los Angeles Times journalist Amy Kaufman is a proud member of Bachelor Nation and has a long history with the franchise. ABC even banned her from attending show events after her coverage of the program got a little too real for its liking. She has interviewed dozens of producers, contestants, and celebrity fans to give readers never-before-told details of the show's inner workings: what it's like to be trapped in the mansion 'bubble'; dark tales of producer manipulation; and revelations about the alcohol-fueled debauchery that occurs long before the Fantasy Suite. Kaufman also explores what our fascination means, culturally: what the show says about the way we view so-called ideal suitors; why we have a subconscious yearning for fairy-tale romance; and how this enduring television show has shaped society's feelings about love, marriage, and feminism by appealing to a marriage plot that's as old as the best of Jane Austen.
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