Karolides, Nicholas J

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Banned books

Contains a series of alphabetically arranged essays that describe 105 books that have been banned for political reasons, each providing a summary of the text, a censorship history, and a list of resources for further reading.

Focus on physical impairments

a reference handbook
Surveys the extent of various physical handicaps in the United States, explains their influence on child development, and discusses education, employment, and legislation.

100 banned books

literature suppressed on political, religious, sexual, and social grounds
Explores the censorship histories of one hundred books that have been suppressed on political, religious, sexual, and social grounds.

Censored books

critical viewpoints
A collection of essays confronting the censorship issue, including six authors' views and defenses of individual books.

120 banned books

censorship histories of world literature

Literature suppressed on political grounds

Presents summaries, censorship histories, and further reading lists for over one hundred books that have been legally banned or otherwise censored at some point in history on political grounds; and includes brief author biographies and a general bibliography.

Censored books II

critical viewpoints, 1985-2000
Presents over sixty essays in which the authors present opinions and defenses of frequently challenged and/or censored books from the period between 1985 and 2000.

120 banned books

censorship histories of world literature
Examines one hundred twenty books that have been banned throughout history on the basis of political, religious, sexual, and social grounds; and provides a summary of each book along with the controversy surrounding it.
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