World languages

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Hip hop

Discusses hip-hop, including how each dancer has his own style, what they wear, the type of shoe, and where they like to dance.
Cover image of Hip hop

Great white shark

Did you know that great white sharks do not have any bones? Their skeletons are made of the same material that makes up peoples noses and ears. Learn these and other interesting facts.
Cover image of Great white shark


Shows a variety of shapes, including squares, diamonds, and circles.
Cover image of Shapes


Different animals help introduce the numbers one through ten for children.
Cover image of Numbers

Natural or man-made

Can you tell the difference between natural and man-made objects? Beginning readers will discover these differences and more in Natural or Man-Made.
Cover image of Natural or man-made


A year is made up of four seasons--winter, spring, summer, and fall. The seasons come in the same order every year. These and other interesting facts about this topic can be discovered in Seasons.
Cover image of Seasons


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