illegal arms transfers

Topical Term
illegal arms transfers

The catch

a novel
Passing as a man while working at sea for a security company she discovers is part of a gunrunning operation, Vanessa Michael Munroe escapes a pirate attack and agrees to help find her crewmates only to discover that the hijackers were seeking the ship captain under her care.
Cover image of The catch

The wild bunch

When outlaws steal an Army shipment of guns for a Mexican general, they are pursued by merciless bounty hunters. The aging desperados must come to terms with the end of the Old West and the dawning of a new era.

Arms sales, treaties, and violations

A collection of global perspectives that examines the responsibility of nation states around the world to take accountability for participation in weaponizing.

The last kind word

Millionaire and unlicensed P.I. Rushmore McKenzie agrees to go undercover to help the ATF track a cache of stolen guns. After all, what could possibly go wrong?.

Two trains running

Crime boss Royal Beaumont struggles to maintain control of the small town of Locke City as racial crimes, the Neo-Nazi movment, a rival mafia gang, and the FBI all conspire to ruin Beaumont's carefully structured empire.

Gloriana's torch

In 1587, ex-soldier David Becket struggles to deal with his tortured past and the discovery that someone in the heart of the English Commonwealth may be selling munitions to the Spanish.

Fast and furious

Barack Obama's bloodiest scandal and its shameless cover-up
Presents an account of the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and discusses how the investigation was conducted and what was covered up by President Obama's administration.

Guns across the border

how and why the US government smuggled guns into Mexico : the inside story
Recounts the author's involvement in Operation Fast & Furious which allowed him to sell guns to suspected drug cartel associates in an effort to track the weapons to the upper echelons of the organization and describes his subsequent betrayal by the U.S. government.

Illicit trafficking

a reference handbook


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