Renner, Michael

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Vital signs 2014

the trends that are shaping our future

Vital signs 2013

Tracking key trends in the environment, agriculture, energy, society, and the economy to inform and inspire the changes needed to build a sustainable world. From meat consumption to automobile production to hydropower, Vital Signs, Volume 20 documents over two dozen trends that are shaping our future in concise analyses and tables and graphs. While remarkable progress has been made over the past year, much remains to be done to get the planet on a more sustainable track.

Vital signs 2012

the trends that are shaping our future

Green jobs

working for people and the environment

State of the world 2005

a Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society
Presents a collection of essays that examine the global security environment in 2005, and posit an argument that a key component in lasting safety lies with policy changes such as moving away from dependence on oil, managing water conflicts, containing infectious diseases, and moving toward global disarmanment.
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