forest ecology

Topical Term
forest ecology

We'll all go exploring

Three friends explore the world's forests, visiting different landscapes-- pine and deciduous forests, mangrove swamps, tropical jungles and many more; when they are through, the three friends leave the forests as they found them, so you too can visit one day.

Temperate forests

Describes the geography, geology, climate, ecology, biodiversity, management, health, history, uses, and future of temperate forest biomes, explains how trees work, and includes photographs, charts, illustrations, a glossary, and an index.

A log's life

A great oak tree, struck down by lightning, becomes home to a variety of creatures over the years, and eventually rots away into a rich mound of dirt that serves as host to an acorn that becomes another mighty oak.

A forest is reborn

Describes how a forest renews itself through a process called plant succession after a destructive fire.

Deciduous forests

An introduction to deciduous forest biomes, looking at where they are located in the world, the climates and seasons of deciduous forests, and native plants and animals, and discussing why deciduous forests are in danger, and the types of jobs available for people who want to work in deciduous forests.

Fuels for the future

Describes northern, temperate, and tropical forests, the problems of preserving them, and their future prospects.

Temperate forests

Explains what temperate forests are like, discusses the plants and animals that make the temperate forest their home and how they survive cold winters, examines threats to temperate forests, and looks at what is being done to save them.

Are trees alive?

An introduction to trees that compares parts of a tree to parts of the human body, with illustrations and brief descriptions of trees found around the world.

The hidden forest

the biography of an ecosystem
Examines the role of every working and living element that has contributed to the creation and development of the Andrews Experimental Forest in Oregon.


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