Look at US history

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The Louisiana Purchase

Takes a look at the Louisiana Purchase which occurred when the United States acquired the Louisiana territory from France in 1803.

The Articles of Confederation

"[Written with the assumptions that] the Articles of Confederation was a problematic document, and the social studies curriculum commonly asks students to understand why and its effect on the Constitution... this volume simply breaks down the writing of the Articles as well as its problems for readers unfamiliar with the document or in need of reviewing it. Key definitions and explanations are offered in short fact boxes, ensuring that readers of all levels can understand the Articles of Confederation"--Provided by publisher.

The Trail of Tears

"Even the name, 'Trail of Tears,' evokes the great sadness of the compulsory relocation of Native Americans in the 1830s. This . . . book tells the . . . account of what happened when the U.S. government forcibly removed native peoples from their homelands and resettled them thousands of miles away. Readers will learn why this occurred and its . . . consequences. Maps, historic images, and fact boxes shed more light on this . . . incident"--Provided by publisher.

The transcontinental railroad

"A transcontinental railroad--a railroad spanning the United States--was once thought to be impossible. But after a practical route was found, about 1,800 miles (2,900 km) of track were laid from Nebraska to California in just 6 years. This railroad changed the nation, connecting the East and West Coast and making travel and communication easier than ever"--Provided by publisher.

The Great Depression

"The Great Depression was a terrible time in the United States. Americans had never known such hunger and poverty--and this crisis lasted 10 years. What happened to cause this catastrophe, how it finally ended, and the lasting effects it had on the nation are all addressed in this . . . look at a critical period in US history. . . . Text is supported by . . . historical images and . . . fact boxes. A timeline summarizes and reinforces the most essential concepts"--Provided by publisher.

The Emancipation Proclamation

Explores the history of slavery and Abraham Lincoln's most honored part of his presidency, creating the "Emancipation Proclamation.".

The civil rights movement

"The rights of a nation's citizens are civil rights. In the 1950s and 1960s, Black Americans organized a movement to demand these rights, including equal education, the right to vote, and many other freedoms. This . . . volume takes readers through the key events of the movement, including its victories and disappointments. Central figures such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X are featured, and a timeline helps readers understand the movement's progression"--Provided by publisher.

The Declaration of Independence

Introduces the history of the Declaration of Independence.

The industrial revolution

Explores the workforce during the Industrial Revolution.

Women's suffrage

Explores the history of women's right to vote and the women's suffrage movement, which lead to the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment.


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