In this British variant of a traditional tale, an ungrateful woman who complains constantly about her house is granted increasingly grandiose wishes by a fairy.
Otto lives in a book in a house but when no one is looking he comes to life to read his favorite stories and practice his writing, until he is left behind and must set out in search of a new home.
Cat, Dog, and Mouse live together contentedly in a cottage by the sea, dividing the work between them, until A. Stranger, Esq., a fox from the Winds of Change company, arrives and stirs up trouble.
In a porridge-powered rocket ship, Goldilocks sets out to find a planet "where everything's just right" and has a close encounter with a Martian family.
Despite criticism for his lack of "accomplishments," Takiboki finds contentment sweeping flower blossoms and raking the sand and gravel in the monks' temple garden. Includes a note on the art and beauty of Japanese gardens.