libraries and teenagers

Topical Term
libraries and teenagers

Liven up your library

design engaging and inclusive programs for tweens and teens
"Developing programs for learners can be an ongoing challenge for librarians - especially first-year librarians. Current books on the topic primarily focus on makerspaces or read alouds, and are aimed at elementary school grades, with a surface-level approach. This book addresses deeper issues that librarians face, while illustrating how to serve teens and tweens specifically by offering programming relevant to their lives. The authors offer practical ideas for developing effective programming through collaborating with the community to develop and implement programs, connecting programs to ISTE Standards and curriculum, and addressing curricular and socio-emotional needs. They also share practical advice on budgeting and funding to support programs, scheduling, maximizing the use of technology to aid in programming and much more. The book also explores ways library programs can have a positive impact on school culture, such as addressing the digital divide, inclusion and cultural relevance"--.

Young adult nonfiction

a readers' advisory and collection development guide
"Covering over 500 titles, both classics and newer publications, this book describes what titles are about and why teens would want to read them"--Provided by publisher.

Murder mystery, graphic novels, and more

innovative programs for engaging teens in your library
"This book offers step-by-step details on how to plan and execute library workshops and programs to inspire creativity in teens"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Murder mystery, graphic novels, and more

The girl-positive library

inspiring confidence, creativity, and curiosity in young women
Provides advice for readers advisory, collection development, and book clubs that encourages the inclusion of young adult titles advancing a positive representation of girls in programming and instruction, including analyzing YA books through a feminist lens; a list of recommended titles with annotations and discussion questions; and descriptions of programming ideas to use in both school and public library settings.
Cover image of The girl-positive library

Career programming for today's teens

exploring nontraditional and vocational alternatives
"Provide library staff and administration with examples and best practices for career programming for teens, including career readiness workshops and an annual trade school fair"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Career programming for today's teens

Serving at-risk teens

proven strategies and programs for bridging the gap
Discusses ways that libraries and communities can work together to serve at-risk teens.
Cover image of Serving at-risk teens

The readers' advisory guide to teen literature

"This book combines an introduction to readers' advisory language, vocabulary and techniques with information about what teens like to read and why, followed by an examination of the appeal lurking within each genre. All in service to the goal of using readers' advisory to help teens find the right books at the right time"--Provided by publisher.

The teen reader's advisor

Offers public and school librarians practical tools to help them develop and adapt their collections, services, and programs to meet the diverse needs of young adults.

Sex, brains, and video games

a librarian's guide to teens in the twenty-first century
Provides insight into the life of adolescents to help librarians better serve the age group, discussing brain research, technology, sexuality, diversity, and other related topics.


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