religion and science

Topical Term
religion and science

Origins and destiny

a scientist examines God's handiwork

I don't believe in Atheists

Presents the argument that both atheists and religious fundamentalists promote their own agendas, and that the new atheists' thinking is equally fundamental and divisive in America, where moderate perspectives are marginalized.

Science & religion

opposing viewpoints
Presents opposing viewpoints about the relationship between religion and science, both historically and in the present.

Encyclopedia of science and religion

Contains over four hundred alphabetically arranged entries that examine significant issues in the contemporary dialogue between the sciences and religion, including historical biographies of important figures, covering topics ranging from abortion to xenotransplantation.

The Bible as history

Reports scientific information based on archaeological findings which support statements from the Bible.

Living with Darwin

evolution, design, and the future of faith
Examines the many controversies surrounding Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, exploring why his theory has been the object of such vehement attack, what the most common arguments against it are, and how the current controversy has been influenced by past events.

Galileo's mistake

a new look at the epic confrontation between Galileo and the Church
Reexamines the 1633 trial of Galileo by the Inquisition, arguing that the charges against him centered less on his claim that the planets revolve around the sun, and more on his insistence that only science could provide the truth about reality.

Red earth, white lies

Native Americans and the myth of scientific fact
Examines modern science as it relates to Native American oral history and exposes the myth of scientific fact, defending Indian mythology as the more truthful account of the history of the earth.

God and the astronomers

Examines scientific theories about the creation of the universe that coincide with theological beliefs.

The hidden face of God

how science reveals the ultimate truth
Gerald Schroeder, an MIT-trained scientist who has worked in both physics and biology, has emerged in recent years as one of the most popular and accessible apostles for the melding of science and religion. He first reconciled science and faith as different perspectives on a single whole in The Science of God. Now, in The Hidden Face of God, Schroeder takes a bold step forward, to show that science, properly understood, provides positive reasons for faith. Recent research in biology, chemistry, physics, and neuroscience contains unmistakable hints about the ultimate nature of reality. Simply put, we now know not only that behind matter lies energy, but also that behind energy lies wisdom. Scientists have touched on this wisdom in the laboratory, and its implications are awesome."--BOOK JACKET.


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