Reinhardt, Dana

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The summer I learned to fly

Thirteen-year-old Drew starts the summer of 1986 helping in her mother's cheese shop and dreaming about co-worker Nick, but when her widowed mother begins dating, Drew's father's book of lists, her pet rat, and Emmett--a boy who is on a quest of his own--help her cope.
Cover image of The summer I learned to fly

A brief chapter in my impossible life

Sixteen-year-old atheist Simone Turner-Bloom's life changes in unexpected ways when her parents convince her to make contact with her biological mother, an agnostic from a Jewish family who is losing her battle with cancer.
Cover image of A brief chapter in my impossible life

The things a brother knows

Although they have never gotten along well, seventeen-year-old Levi follows his older brother Boaz, an ex-Marine, on a walking trip from Boston to Washington, D.C. in hopes of learning why Boaz is completely withdrawn.
Cover image of The things a brother knows


When Anna, Emma, and Mariah concoct a story about why they are late getting home one Friday night, their lie has unimaginable consequences for the girls, their families, and the community.


Emma, Anna, and Mariah, fourteen-year-old private school students, lie to their parents about their late-night activities and, when they are caught in their lies, concoct a story about a strange man attacking them, leading to problems for an innocent man and the girls' families.

A brief chapter in my impossible life

Sixteen-year-old atheist Simone Turner-Bloom's life changes in unexpected ways when her parents convince her to make contact with her biological mother, an agnostic from a Jewish family who is losing her battle with cancer.
Cover image of A brief chapter in my impossible life

The things a brother knows

Although they have never gotten along well, seventeen-year-old Levi follows his older brother Boaz, an ex-Marine, on a walking trip from Boston to Washington, D.C. in hopes of learning why Boaz is completely withdrawn.

How to build a house

a novel
Seventeen-year-old Harper Evans hopes to escape the effects of her father's divorce on her family and friendships by volunteering her summer to build a house in a small Tennessee town devastated by a tornado.

Tell us something true

After River Dean's girlfriend breaks up with him, he stumbles upon a teen group and unintentionally fakes an addiction.


When Anna, Emma, and Mariah concoct a story about why they are late getting home one Friday night, their lie has unimaginable consequences for the girls, their families, and the community.


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