Provides a guide to taking care of hamsters, including supplies needed, diet, and cleaning. Bring augmented reality to the reading experience by downloading the free Capstone 4D app and scanning for access to awesome videos!.
Provides a guide to taking care of hermit crabs, including supplies needed, diet, and cleaning. Bring augmented reality to the reading experience by downloading the free Capstone 4D app and scanning for access to awesome videos!.
Provides a guide to taking care of rabbits, including supplies needed, diet, and cleaning. Bring augmented reality to the reading experience by downloading the free Capstone 4D app and scanning for access to awesome videos!.
Readers learn how to feed and care for a dog. Covers supplies, veterinary visits, cleaning up after a dog, and includes basic interpretation of a dog's body language, and different types of dogs.
Readers learn how to feed and care for a cat. Covers supplies, veterinary visits, and cleaning up after a cat. Includes basic interpretation of a cats body language, and different types of cats.
Readers learn how to feed and care for a fish. Covers supplies, cleaning the aquarium, how to keep a fish healthy, and includes basic interpretation of a fish's body language, and different types of fish.