Doyle, Eamon

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Antifa and the radical left

"Antifa has received public attention since the election of President Trump. To some, this was believed to represent the rise of white supremacy and authoritarianism in the United States, which Antifa made it a point to combat at any cost. What exactly is the Antifa movement? Are its militant, sometimes violent attempts to combat fascism justified, or are they just as morally reprehensible as what they are reacting against? This volume looks at Antifa's place in American and international history, as well as its organization, goals, and ethical implications, offering a . . . look at this enigmatic movement"--Provided by publisher.

Nativism, nationalism, and patriotism

"Since the rise of globalism in the post-Cold War era, neoliberalism and free trade have generally characterized politics in democratic nations. However, in recent years, nationalism has been on the rise in countries around the world, including the United States. Events like the Brexit referendum and the 2016 US presidential election have brought the related issues of nationalism, nativism, and patriotism to the forefront, but much confusion exists when discussing these concepts. The viewpoints presented in this volume clarify the distinctions and interconnections between these concepts while presenting a variety of viewpoints on their role in domestic and global politics"--.

Tariffs and the future of trade

With the introduction of significant tariffs on Chinese goods in 2018 and the resultant talk of a trade war between the United States and China, the questions of whether tariffs are an effective means of political influence, what effect they will have on the domestic and global economy, and how they will ultimately impact the future of trade have become sources of contention. This volume explores opposing perspectives on tariffs and trade wars, offering context on historical tariffs and global trade and projections of the potential impacts of tariffs and trade wars going forward.
Cover image of Tariffs and the future of trade

Tariffs and the future of trade

"Explores opposing perspectives on tariffs and trade wars, offering context on historical tariffs and global trade and projections of the potential impacts of tariffs and trade wars going forward"--Amazon.
Cover image of Tariffs and the future of trade

Public outrage and protest

"Readers will gain a better understanding of the history of public protest, its differing manifestations, and its efficacy in promoting political and social change"--Amazon.
Cover image of Public outrage and protest

The role of religion in public policy

"Exposes readers to the ways in which religion affects policymaking and the varying perspectives about religion's role in politics"--Provided by publisher.

Antifa and the radical left

"Antifa has received public attention since the election of President Trump. To some, this was believed to represent the rise of white supremacy and authoritarianism in the United States, which Antifa made it a point to combat at any cost. What exactly is the Antifa movement? Are its militant, sometimes violent attempts to combat fascism justified, or are they just as morally reprehensible as what they are reacting against? This volume looks at Antifa's place in American and international history, as well as its organization, goals, and ethical implications, offering a . . . look at this enigmatic movement"--Provided by publisher.

Freedom of speech on campus

"Freedom of speech is a fundamental aspect of American democracy, and university campuses have historically been central to the free speech debate through serving as protectors of this constitutional right. In recent years, campuses have returned to the center of this debate as our notion of what kinds of speech are acceptable and how speech should be controlled continues to develop. With the rise of trigger warnings, designated free-speech zones, and controversial speakers being disinvited from lecturing at universities, the question of whether campuses continue to represent the future of free speech or symbolize its repression has become progressively urgent"--Amazon.

Political extremism in the United States

"The 2016 presidential election brought to light the increasingly polarized nature of American politics. What brought about this political extremism, and can anything be done to curb it? This volume helps to define political extremism, explores the ways in which extremism manifests itself, including hate speech and domestic terrorism, and explains theories about how it can be counteracted"--Amazon.

The role of science in public policy

"Does science have a place when it comes to making public policy? The answer might not be as simple as . . . people think. Ideally, scientists discover facts, and those facts inform policy. But policy undermines the open-ended nature of scientific inquiry, and scientists end up representing an agenda rather than presenting objective truths to be used to make decisions that impact the public. Through a variety of perspectives, this volume explores who wins and who loses when science and politics mix"--Provided by publisher.


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