Celebrating U.S. holidays

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Why do we celebrate Labor Day?

Young readers will explore the history of Labor Day and the different ways families celebrate this holiday.

Por qu? celebramos el D?a del Trabajo? =

Why do we celebrate Labor Day?
In this book, readers will learn about the history of Labor Day, and the different ways families celebrate the holiday.
Cover image of Por qu? celebramos el D?a del Trabajo? =

Por qu? celebramos el D?a Martin Luther King Jr.? =

Why do we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day?
In this book, readers will learn how Martin Luther King Jr. Day serves as a reminder of the life and work of one of America's greatest civil rights activists.
Cover image of Por qu? celebramos el D?a Martin Luther King Jr.? =

Por qu? celebramos el D?a de los Veteranos? =

Why do we celebrate Veterans Day?
In this book, readers will learn about the history of the Veterans Day, a holiday used to appreciate and remember all the military personnel, both alive and dead, that have fought to protect the United States from domestic and foreign threats.
Cover image of Por qu? celebramos el D?a de los Veteranos? =

Por qu? celebramos el D?a de los Presidentes? =

Why do we celebrate Presidents' Day?
In this book, readers will learn about the history of the role of president of the United States, highlights particularly influential presidents of the past, and how different families like to celebrate Presidents' Day.
Cover image of Por qu? celebramos el D?a de los Presidentes? =

Por qu? celebramos el D?a de los Ca?dos? =

Why do we celebrate Memorial Day?
In this book, readers will learn about the origins of Memorial Day, and how people around the country gather and remember the men and women who've died while serving in the United States military.
Cover image of Por qu? celebramos el D?a de los Ca?dos? =

Por qu? celebramos el D?a de la Raza? =

Why do we celebrate Columbus Day?
In this book, readers will learn about who Christopher Columbus was and why his accidental discovery of the Americas was so important.
Cover image of Por qu? celebramos el D?a de la Raza? =

Por qu? celebramos el D?a de la Independencia? =

Why do we celebrate Independence Day?
In this book, readers will learn about the origins of Independence Day, also known as the Fourth of July, and the many ways people celebrate it across the country today.
Cover image of Por qu? celebramos el D?a de la Independencia? =

Por qu? celebramos el D?a de Acci?n de Gracias? =

Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving?
"In this . . . book, readers will learn about the origins of Thanksgiving and the many ways people celebrate it across the country today"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Por qu? celebramos el D?a de Acci?n de Gracias? =

Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving?

Young readers will explore the history of Thanksgiving and the different ways families celebrate this holiday.


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