pro-life movement

Topical Term
pro-life movement

Wrath of angels

the American abortion war
Traces the rise and fall of the American anti-abortion movement, looking at events that led up to the Supreme Court's landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 that legalized abortion; and discusses the role of organized abortion protest in the creation of the Religious Right.

Abortion in the United States

a reference handbook
Discusses the history of abortion in the United States; examines problems, controversies, and worldwide perspectiveson the topic; and provides a chronology, biographical sketches, case studies, a directory of organizations, and lists of print and non-print resources.

The Pro-life

Traces the history of the debate over abortion in the United States both before and after the Supreme Court's 1973 decision legalizing the procedure, features a detailed look at "Roe v. Wade" and other relevant court cases, discusses the issue of late-term abortions, and considers the status of the debate in the early 2000s.


Presents editorial cartoons on abortion issues with explanations of their meanings and information on the artists, and includes an introduction on the history of abortion and a directory of related organizations.

The abortion battle

looking at both sides
Investigates the controversial issue of abortion, looks at its long history, and provides stories of women who have dealt with this difficult decision.

The abortion debate

understanding the issues
Presents an overview of the issues that surround the debate over abortion; and discusses both the pro-life and pro-choice views, the history, legality, and possible common ground on the issue.


Presents opposing viewpoints on abortion, discussing such issues as morality, legality, restriction of abortion rights, and research using aborted fetal tissue.

The abortion conflict

a pro/con issue
Discusses both sides of the conflict over abortion, including the historical background and landmark legal decisions.


understanding the debate
An overview of the issues surrounding the debate over whether abortion should be permitted by law, and under what circumstances.

Absolute convictions

my father, a city, and the conflict that divided America
Eyal Press recounts how his father's work as a doctor who performed abortions in Buffalo, New York, impacted his own childhood and adult life, and discusses how his father's work influenced his own views on abortion.


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