Battista, Brianna

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Questions and answers about the Trail of Tears

"The Trail of Tears marked the systematic segregation of indigenous people from white Americans. Starting in 1816, several indigenous nations were forced to give up their lands in the southeastern region of the United States for new lands west of the Mississippi. Historians estimate that more than 100,000 people were relocated between 1830 and 1850. The physical Trail of Tears spans more than 5,045 miles and has been designated a National Historic Trail. This volume is filled with primary sources that illustrate just how much these groups of indigenous people suffered after they were forced to leave their homes"--Provided by publisher.

Quiero ser chef

Young readers join a girl as she imagines she is a chef and follow her throughout the day to learn what it is like to work in a restaurant.

Why do pitcher plants eat bugs?

and other odd plant adaptations
Readers will find out about carnivorous pitcher plants and other kinds of vegetation that have developed strange adaptations.

Questions and answers about the Trail of Tears

"The Trail of Tears marked the systematic segregation of indigenous people from white Americans. Starting in 1816, several indigenous nations were forced to give up their lands in the southeastern region of the United States for new lands west of the Mississippi. Historians estimate that more than 100,000 people were relocated between 1830 and 1850. The physical Trail of Tears spans more than 5,045 miles and has been designated a National Historic Trail. This volume is filled with primary sources that illustrate just how much these groups of indigenous people suffered after they were forced to leave their homes"--Provided by publisher.

Planning for success

goal setting
"This book takes readers through the process of setting goals . . ."--Provide by publisher.
Cover image of Planning for success

Cristiano Ronaldo

A biography of Portuguese soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo.
Cover image of Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo

A biography of Portuguese soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo.

Luis Su?rez

Explores the life and career of professional soccer player Luis Su?rez.

I want to be a referee

Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world. What do you do if you love playing and watching the sport, but don't want to be a professional athlete? This book explores the action-packed career of a soccer referee. From how she prepares for a soccer game to the fast-paced decisions she must make during the game, a day in the life of a referee is filled with intensity and fun.
Cover image of I want to be a referee

I want to be a chef

Professional chefs make some of the most innovative dishes in the world. What's it like to spend a day in the life of a chef at a busy restaurant? What kind of work goes into making our favorite foods? This book follows a chef from the very beginning of her day, when she chops and prepares food, to creating delicious dishes she serves to hungry restaurant goers.
Cover image of I want to be a chef
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