Macdonald, Fiona

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You wouldn't want to live without libraries!

"For 5,000 years and more, libraries have been gathering and preserving writings of all kinds. They're keepers of the world's memory. They're storehouses of knowledge, imagination, and fun. Discover how these places and their collections of written words allow us to check out facts, find important information, share stories and ideas, build communities, and learn valuable life skills"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of You wouldn't want to live without libraries!

You wouldn't want to be a medieval knight!

armor you'd rather not wear
Provides information on the training, traditions, and life of knights during the Middle Ages for a young boy who thinks that that is what he wants to be.

Heroes, gods and monsters of Celtic mythology

A collection of retellings of Celtic myths and legends from Ireland, Wales, Scotland, England, the Isle of Man, and Brittany.
Cover image of Heroes, gods and monsters of Celtic mythology

The science of oceans

the watery truth about 72 percent of our planet's surface
Text and illustrations present facts about the ocean, discussing where the water comes from, what causes tides, and more.
Cover image of The science of oceans

You wouldn't want to be in a medieval dungeon!

prisoners you'd rather not meet
Describes what life was like in medieval dungeons during the late fifteenth century, as seen through the eyes of the jailer.
Cover image of You wouldn't want to be in a medieval dungeon!

You wouldn't want to be a crusader!

a war you'd rather not fight
Brief text, sidebars, labeled illustrations, and humorous cartoons describe the life and duties of a young Christian knight.

You wouldn't want to live without nurses!

Uses humor in both text and illustrations to explore the importance of nurses.

Myths and legends

Provides one hundred facts about myths and legends, and includes illustrations, cartoons, and quizzes.

Kings and queens

Contains one hundred brief facts about British royalty and the impact they have made on the world.

You wouldn't want to be an Aztec sacrifice!

A humorous and gory look at the ancient Aztec tradition of sacrificing enemy warriors to the gods.


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