foreign public opinion

Geographic Name
foreign public opinion

Fighting for Darfur

public action and the struggle to stop the genocide
Chronicles the six-year grassroots campaign to bring global attention to the mass atrocity in Darfur, describing how college students, celebrities, politicians, and everyday citizens are trying to stop the killings that are taking place in the region and save its people.

Why do people hate America?

Examines why people around the world hate America, from the Middle East, to developing countries, to Western Europe, and includes discussions on American foriegn policy, the American idolization of violence, and the cultural totalitarianism America exerts throughout the world through globalization.

Does the world hate the US?

The commentators featured in the book examine issues surrounding the causes and consequences of anti-American sentiment in other parts of the world--and even within the US itself.

Does the world hate the US?

Authors present differing opinions on whether anti-Americanism may diminish as the U.S. becomes less powerful, whether Islam hates America because of America's policies, and whether the popularity of America's pop culture counteracts anti-Americanism.

Does the world hate the U.S.?

Provides an overview of how the world views the United States, and contains thirteen additional articles in which the authors debate issues of anti-Americanism around the world, and the effects of the U.S.-led war on terrorism on the global community.

History lessons

how textbooks from around the world portray U.S. history
Presents an alternative version of American history by both British and Canadian textbooks as well as the French, Russian, Cuban, Iranian, and Native American Indian teachings that challenges the biases of American education.

America against the world

how we are different and why we are disliked
Presents and discusses the results of opinion surveys that questioned ninety-one thousand people in fifty nations about the U.S. and Americans, covering such topics as business practices, democracy, foreign policy, preemptive war, religiosity, patriotism, and American individualism.


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