foreign countries

Geographic Name
foreign countries

Beyond the age of innocence

rebuilding trust between America and the world
Presents an examination of the state of America's relationship with the world, providing perspective on the policies and actions the United States has taken since the end of the Cold War and describing the resultant alienation that many across the globe feel toward this dominant superpower.

The U.S. Information Agency

Surveys the history of the U.S. Information Agency, describing its structure, function, and influence on American society.

The Condor years

how Pinochet and his allies brought terrorism to three continents
Provides the story of Operation Condor, a multi-national terrorist organization encouraged by the CIA and led by Chilean president General Augusto Pinochet that reportedly killed 30,000 of its enemies in South America.

Hating America

the new world sport
Examines why anti-Americanism has grown in recent years, discussing how foreign governments and religious groups have become outraged by America's actions in recent years and the impact their outrage has had on the world order.

East Asia at the center

four thousand years of engagement with the world
Traces 4,000 years of international relations from the perspective of China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia.


how Spain became a world power, 1492-1763
Provides an account of how Spain became the world's first superpower, surveying events from the late fifteenth to the mid-eighteenth century to show how the Spanish Empire was really a global enterprise in which various other countries including Portugal, China, Africa, German, and others played major roles.

Sister cities

in a world of difference
Describes the cooperation program cities and states around the world have developed called "Sister cities/states." This program provides a chance to share knowledge, help each other in times of emergency, buy each other's products, and strengthen ties between the people.

U.S. national debate topic, 2010-2011

the American military presence overseas

Does the world hate the U.S.?

Provides an overview of how the world views the United States, and contains thirteen additional articles in which the authors debate issues of anti-Americanism around the world, and the effects of the U.S.-led war on terrorism on the global community.

History lessons

how textbooks from around the world portray U.S. history
Presents an alternative version of American history by both British and Canadian textbooks as well as the French, Russian, Cuban, Iranian, and Native American Indian teachings that challenges the biases of American education.
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