Von Drehle, Dave

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the fire that changed America
Chronicles the events surrounding the fire at the Triangle shirtwaist factory which broke out on March 25, 1911, killing more than one hundred factory workers who were trapped after the fire broke out, and discusses how the fire changed the work force in America.
Cover image of Triangle

Among the lowest of the dead

a decade on death row
Author provides insight into the world of death row inmates and those who have the power to punish with death.

Rise to greatness

Abraham Lincoln and America's most perilous year
Discusses Abraham Lincoln's role in American history during the year 1862.


the fire that changed America
Chronicles the events surrounding the fire at the Triangle shirtwaist factory which broke out on March 25, 1911, killing more than one hundred factory workers who were trapped after the fire broke out, and discusses how the fire changed the work force in America.
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