Silverman, Erica

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Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa

Cowgirl Kate and her cowhorse Cocoa, who is always hungry, count cows, share a story, and help each other fall asleep.
Cover image of Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa

Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa

Cowgirl Kate and her cowhorse Cocoa, who is always hungry, count cows, share a story, and help each other fall asleep.
Cover image of Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa

Don't fidget a feather!

Their contest to decide who is the champion of champions almost has disastrous consequences for Gander and Duck.

Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa

spring babies
Cowgirl Kate and her horse Cocoa watch over the new calves, a puppy, and some baby barn owls.

Jack (not Jackie)

"Susan loves her baby sister, Jackie, but as Jackie grows older and behaves more and more like a boy Susan must adjust to having a brother, Jack, instead."--Publisher.

Liberty's voice

the story of Emma Lazarus : a biography of one of the great poets in American history
A picture biography of Emma Lazarus, the daughter of a well-to-do sugar refiner who began writing poetry at a young age, became an ardent voice on behalf of the oppressed, and wrote the poem that appears on the base of the Statue of Liberty.
Cover image of Liberty's voice

The Halloween house

The Halloween house, occupied by a variety of creatures, including werewolves, witches, bats, and skeletons, turns out to be an unfortunate choice as a hideout for a couple of escaped convicts.

Let's go to the moon!

"Lana wants to fly a rocket to the moon. But no one in her family wants to blast off with her. Don't they know all it takes is a little imagination to have an out-of-this world adventure?"--Back cover.

Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa

horse in the house
When her horse Cocoa decides to explore the house, Cowgirl Kate has a hard time convincing him he must return to the barn.

Let's go fishing

Welcome to Lana's World, where a highly imaginative girl reels her loving but "too busy" family into an afternoon of pretend-play and side-by-side togetherness.


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