presidential candidates

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presidential candidates

Hillary Rodham Clinton

dreams taking flight
A biography of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Presidential campaign posters from the Library of Congress

Showcases one hundred American presidential campaign posters, from Andrew Jackson and Zachary Taylor to Richard Nixon and Barack Obama, along with historical commentary on the candidates.

Ron Paul's revolution

the man and the movement he inspired
A biography of Dr. Ron Paul, an eleven-term congressman from Texas and 2012 presidential candidate, discussing his early life in Pennsylvania, his military and medical careers, his positions as a politician, and the influence of his views on constitutional liberty on American politics.

The real Romney

From the investigative reporters who have tracked his career for years comes a riveting, no-holds-barred biography of Mitt Romney, the early frontrunner for the 2012 Republican nomination for president.

Almost president

the men who lost the race but changed the nation
Describes presidential candidates who ran for president and lost, but influenced American history, including Henry Clay, Barry Goldwater, Al Gore and Adlai Stevenson.

Hillary Clinton

Presents the history of Hilary Clinton's political aspirations throughout her life.

Political profiles

Al Gore
Offers a brief overview of the life of Al Gore, discussing his childhood in Tennessee, schooling, service in the Armed Forces, political campaigns, and vice presidency.


Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft & Debs--the election that changed the country
Chronicles the events surrounding the 1912 run for the presidency between former president Theodore Roosevelt; his hand-picked successor, William H. Taft; Democratic nominee, Woodrow Wilson; and labor leader Eugene V. Debs.

Hats in the ring

an illustrated history of American presidential campaigns
Photographs and text help trace the history of American presidential campaigns during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Al Gore

fighting for a greener planet
A biography of the environmental activist and former vice president of the United States.


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