How our choices impact Earth

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Biodegradability and you

A book about cultivating sustainable habits and understanding how waste affects the Earth.

Fair trade and you

"Teaches readers what fair trade is and how it promotes humane working conditions worldwide. Readers learn how to recognize fair trade goods while shopping and the lasting benefits that fair trade has for the economy. Readers are introduced to fair trade manufacturers of coffee, chocolate, and clothing"--Provided by publisher.

Renewable resources and you

"Teaches readers that renewable energy is energy captured from the sun, wind, water, Earth's own heat, and biomass, . . . examines the issues related to consumption in general and steers readers, in a practical way, toward being more conservation-minded. Readers learn how to eco-energize at school and make green choices at home"--Provided by publisher.

Nonrenewable resources and you

"The many natural resources we use in daily life, such as fossil fuels, are not unlimited, which readers will discover from this . . . book. They will also learn about the lasting effects of using up Earth's nonrenewable resources, and what this means for both the planet and all of us, [and that] . . . there are alternatives to nonrenewable resources, such as solar power, which the world is trending toward"--Provided by publisher.
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