America's most important documents: Inquiry into historical sources

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The order to drop the atomic bomb, 1945

A book for young readers about the presidential decision to drop the atomic bomb over Japan in 1945.

Thomas Paine's Common Sense

A book for young readers about the life of Thomas Paine and the impact of his most famous work, Common Sense.

Massachusetts body of liberties

This book explains the Massachusetts body of liberties as well as why and how those liberties impact Americans today.

The Federalist papers

This book guides readers through the eighty-five essays that make up the Federalist Papers. It explores the notions that pushed the states toward ratification and promoted a solid federal government.

The Emancipation Proclamation

Of all the documents in American history, Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation ranks among the most important. It began the process of freeing four million Americans from slavery and led to constitutional amendments that ensure equal protections for all Americans.
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