Genreflecting advisory series

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Historical fiction for teens

a genre guide
An annotated listing of over three hundred historical fiction titles for young adults, grouped by subgenre and theme, each with title, author, publisher, and keywords.


a guide to popular reading interests
Defines the features and characteristics of popular reading genres and subgenres, including historical fiction, westerns, crime, adventure, romance, science fiction, fantasy, horror, Christian fiction, and emerging genres, each with a listing of representative titles, and includes essays on the social nature of reading, and readers' advisory.

Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning teen literature

a guide to reading interests
Written primarily with librarians in mind, the author provides suggested book titles with brief summaries which may be of particular interest to gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender teens, organized into categories such as realistic fiction, issue driven works, and genre fiction.

Hooked on horror

a guide to reading interests in horror fiction
Provides an annotated bibliography of horror works, including novels, anthologies, criticism, and some films, all arranged by sub-categories within the genre.
Cover image of Hooked on horror

Historical fiction II

a guide to the genre
Cover image of Historical fiction II

Historical fiction

a guide to the genre
Cover image of Historical fiction

Reality rules II

a guide to teen nonfiction reading interests
Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide brief summaries of more than five hundred nonfiction books for teen readers, each including the author, title, publisher, publication date, ISBN, and suggested reading level; grouped by genre and reading interest.

Teen genreflecting 3

a guide to reading interests
Presents descriptions of over 1,300 fiction titles that may be of interest to teens, most published since 2005, grouped in the categories of issues, contemporary life, adventure, mystery and suspense, fantasy, science fiction, paranormal, historical, multicultural, Christian, and alternative formats.


a guide to popular reading interests
Defines the features and characteristics of popular reading genres and subgenres, including historical fiction, westerns, crime, adventure, romance, science fiction, fantasy, horror, Christian fiction, and emerging genres, each with a listing of representative titles, and includes essays on the social nature of reading, and readers' advisory.

Strictly science fiction

a guide to reading interests
An annotated listing of science fiction writings which groups titles with similar qualities and appeal together so that readers can easily locate books that are similar to others they have enjoyed.


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