Kingsolver, Barbara

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Pigs in heaven

a novel
Six-year-old Turtle Green witnesses a freak accident drawing her and her mother into a conflict of historic proportions.

The bean trees

a novel
Taylor, a poor Kentuckian, makes her way west with an abandoned baby girl and stops in Tucson. There she finds friends and discovers resources in apparently empty places.

Animal, vegetable, miracle

a year of food life
The author tells how she and her family relocated to southern Appalachia from Arizona in order to live a simpler life, grow their own food, and live among a community of local organic growers.

Holding the line

women in the great Arizona mine strike of 1983

The bean trees

a novel
Taylor Greer hits the road wanting only to get as far away from Kentucky as possible, ending up in Arizona with a 3-year-old Cherokee girl she has inherited from a woman in a bar.

The Bean trees

a novel
Taylor Greer grew up poor in rural Kentucky. She escapes to the west but by the time she arrives in Tucson, Arizona, she has acquired a three-year-old Indian girl named Turtle. Can she come to terms with motherhood and put down roots?.

Prodigal summer

a novel

The bean trees

a novel


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