Proulx, Annie

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a novel
The descendents of two penniless frenchmen travel across North America, Europe, China, and New Zealand and the brutal conditions they endure against rivals, accidents, pestilence, and cultural annihilation.


Loyal Blood inalterably changes the course of his life and the fortunes of his family members when he deserts the family's New England farm after accidently killing his lover.

Bad dirt

Wyoming stories 2
Presents a collection of short stories about rural Wyoming by twentieth-century American writer and novelist Annie Prouix.

The shipping news

Quoyle is wrenched violently out of his workaday life when his two-timing wife meets her just deserts and he retreats with his two daughters to his ancestral home on the starkly beautiful Newfoundland coast.

The complete dairy foods cookbook

how to make everything from cheese to custard in your own kitchen

Bird cloud

a memoir
The author describes her purchase of six hundred wilderness acres in Wyoming and construction of a library-centric home where she contemplated her rich family history, including a river boat captain ancestor who met historical figures.

Accordion crimes

A fictional account of different immigrant families in America who all have owned a single handmade accordian. Follows their quests for a fulfilled life in America from Iowa to Texas and from Maine to Louisiana.

Bad dirt

Wyoming stories 2
Presents a collection of short stories about rural Wyoming by twentieth-century American writer and novelist Annie Prouix.

That old ace in the hole

a novel
Bob Dollar, a young Denver man, learns the hard way how vigorously owners will try to hold on to their land when he goes scouting for the site of a hog farm for his employer Global Pork Rind in the rural Texas town of Woolybucket.


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