north africa

Geographic Name
north africa

Mysteries of the Sahara

chronicles from the National Geographic
Reprints an article and accompanying photographs about life in Maghreb in the years before the First World War, which first appeared in "National Geographic" magazine in January 1914.

The Barbary pirates

Examines the history of the Barbary pirates that operated along the North African coast and in the southern Mediterranean. Recounts the efforts of American sailors and Marines that dedicated their service to defeating them in two separate wars in the early 1800s.

Food culture in the Near East, Middle East, and North Africa

Presents an overview of the cuisines of the Near East, Middle East, and North Africa, and considers how geographic, cultural, and religious restrictions on food and drink play an important role in determining the eating habits of people there today. Includes an examination of the impact of globalization, colonialism, and modernization.


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